One look at this fish gives me the #wow! Really look. Could fishes like this exist? The truth is there are scarier fishes than this.
Fangtooths are beryciform fish of the family Anoplogastridae. The fangtooth is of two types, the common one being about 18cm long and found in the Pacific and Atlantic ocean.A look at those eyes expresses an evil, gruesome character just like zoom when he's in the mask but I bet it's not that fast. *hmmm*
They consume anything they bump into, even things so large that it affects breathing so they use their fins to wave water onto their gills from behind and breathe.
It seems as if our guest isn't a fan of bright light and only comes up to the surface to feed at night. *werewolf? * *that's lame*
The offsprings are quite different from the adults that they were once thought to be a different species! They look grumpy, with weird spikes protuding out of their head with small teeth. They eat tiny crustaceans too and very soon they grow those big set of tooth which barely fits the mouth. I guess it's one of the reasons the mouth doesn't close fully tho, you don't want to end up with a pierced skull. *lol*